Vim Balanced Backspace
This week I’ve published a Vim plugin for balanced removal of quotes and braces. Check the documentation for detailed getting started and usage instructions, the source code is available on GitHub. What follows is the TLDR for installation and usage…
mkdir -vp ~/git/hub/vim-utilities
cd ~/git/hub/vim-utilities
git clone
cd ~/git/hub/vim-utilities/balanced-backspace
make install
Backspace within empty curly-brace will delete the closing brace along with opening brace -
Backspace within empty parenthesis will delete the closing parenthesis along with opening parenthesis -
Backspace within empty square-braces will delete the closing brace along with opening brace -
Backspace within empty double-quotes will delete the closing quote along with opening quote -
Backspace within empty single-quotes will delete the closing quote along with opening quote -
Backspace within empty backtick will delete the closing backtick along with opening backtick