Getting Started
Make a directory for organizing repositories from this Organization…
mkdir -vp ~/git/hub/52ForPeerReview
Use the GitHub Pages Template to generate a new repository named after your Account name within this Organization, eg. 52ForPeerReview/S0AndS0
Then clone your fork, the URL syntax is<account>.git
cd ~/git/hub/52ForPeerReview
git clone --recurse-submodules<account>.git
Run the
script to automatically edit various references to gh-pages-template
to your account name, eg…
# cd ~/git/hub/52ForPeerReview/<acount>
cd ~/git/hub/52ForPeerReview/S0AndS0
# ./ '<acount>'
./ 'S0AndS0'
script will edit the _config.yml
file, specifically the baseurl
title: 52 For Peer Review
description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
Challenge to publish one project per week for peer review for a whole year.
baseurl: "S0AndS0" # the subpath of your site, ie. your account name
Run the
… this will parse the .gitmodules
file and re-initialize Git Submodules that where broken by GitHub’s handling of Submodules within Template the repository.
Add a post under the rounds/_r000
sub-directory describing what you have published each week…
# ./ '<title>' '<description>'
'JavaScript convert decimal'\
'Converts decimal to another base, eg. hex, octal, or binary'
…following is a copy of the example post…
layout: post
title: JavaScript convert decimal
description: Converts decimal to another base, eg. hex, octal, or binary
date: 2020-06-20 15:00:58 -0700
# date_updated: ## Optional, formatted like Sat Jun 20 15:00:58 PDT 2020 above
time_to_live: 1800
Published new project, [<repository-name>][repository__source] that does stuff...
{% highlight bash %}
git clone<organization>/<repository>.git
{% endhighlight %}
... describe what this project does, and how to utilize it.
Then describe any bits that:
- you believe could be improved
- you'd like help with
- and/or questions that arose during development
- etc...
Commit changes/additions, and push to GitHub…
cd ~/git/hub/52ForPeerReview/<account>
git add .
git commit -m 'Adds post about awesome new project'
git push origin gh-pages
Share a link to your new post with the #52ForPeerReview
Hash-Tag on Twitter, or other social media outlets, and invite others to offer suggestions on how to improve. eg…
Published an awesome new #coding project that does something...
... Pull Requests and/or new Issues are very welcomed!